Our PE
At Bentley New Village, all children will:
- receive a stimulating, enriched experience of PE which will allow them to ask questions and be curious about the world around them.
- have the chance to both show and develop the learning behaviours of creativity, curiosity, resilience, determination, tolerance and cooperation through the PE curriculum.
- be given opportunities to develop the basic skills acquired in English (speaking and listening, reading and writing) and Mathematics and apply to the same standards as English and Maths lessons.
- be given the opportunity to learn, understand and use a range of technical vocabulary as appropriate.
- take responsibility for their physical and mental wellbeing.
- diversity through celebrating, studying and appreciating differences and similarities.
- building a self-regulating, self-motivated individual
- be provided with the opportunity to acquire specific skills and knowledge to help them to think tactically.
- Embed their physical skills in each chosen sport.
- receive a progressive sequence of PE lessons fully addressing the NC which will build upon their prior knowledge whilst embedding the procedural knowledge into the long-term memory.
- receive PE lessons which develop a deep understanding of the body of knowledge in dance & gymnastics, game & athletics.
- gain an understanding of the uses and implication of PE both physically and mentally, today and for the future to prevent obesity which is prominent in the local area.
- be given the opportunity to plan and carry out their own methods, games and routines, using equipment correctly
- be taught to evaluate and develop techniques according to their physical ability.
- be able to research sports people, where appropriate, in our local environment within our PE lessons.
- Be provided with opportunities to take part in challenges with the wider community.
As part of this planning process, the coaches and staff will follow the planned session which include:
- A cycle of lessons planned from a bespoke skills progression document, which carefully plans for depth of each skill;
- Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner;
- Visits from experts who will enhance the learning experience;
- Annual repetition of skills to embed into the long term memory, from the beginning of KS1 to the end of KS2;
- Provide teachers subject overview to identify clear journey to end goal;
- Liaise with external organisations to organise inter-competitions;
Our PE Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress.
In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
▪ A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes;
▪ Regular meetings with PE staff to monitor impact and coverage, key children identified and planned for;
▪ A celebration of skills through sports competitions;
▪ Tracking of knowledge in pre and post learning quizzes;
▪ Pupil discussions about their learning;
PE and Well-Being is One of Our School’s Curriculum Focus
At New Village, PE is one of our key curriculum drivers. We think that if children are going to learn and thrive and meet their potential then they need to have fit and healthy bodies and minds.
All children at our school receive at least 2 hours of PE each week. They are able to learn skills, take part in tournaments, experience new sports or activities and take part in after-school sports activities. We use specialist sports coached to deliver some of our PE curriculum so that your children receive the very best that is on offer.
In Year 5, the children attend swimming lessons at Adwick Leisure Centre. Therefore, they will be in receipt of more than the normal 2 hours PE time.
PE Sports Premium
We have an allocation of funding from the Government, each year, to spend on developing sports in our school. We monitor the impact of the spending and report to the Governing Board and to Ofsted.
Funding for the PE and Sport Premium
Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.
In cases where schools don’t follow year groups (for example, in some special schools), pupils aged 5 to 10 attract the funding.
In most cases, we determine how many pupils in your school attract the funding using data from the January 2017 school census.
If you are a new school or a school teaching eligible pupils for the first time in the academic year 2017 to 2018, we will base your funding on data from the autumn 2017 school census.
How to Use the PE and Sport Premium
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport you offer.
This means that schools should use the premium to:
- develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers
- build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:
- the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
- the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
- increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- increased participation in competitive sport
For example, schools can use their funding to:
- provide staff with professional development, mentoring, training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively
- hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers to enhance or extend current opportunities
- introduce new sports, dance or other activities to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activities
- support and involve the least active children by providing targeted activities, and running or extending school sports and holiday clubs
- enter or run more sport competitions
- partner with other schools to run sports activities and clubs
- increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
- encourage pupils to take on leadership or volunteer roles that support sport and physical activity within the school
- provide additional swimming provision targeted to pupils not able to meet the swimming requirements of the national curriculum
- embed physical activity into the school day through active travel to and from school, active playgrounds and active teaching

Schools should not use your funding to:
- employ coaches or specialist teachers to cover planning preparation and assessment (PPA) arrangements – these should come out of your core staffing budgets
- teach the minimum requirements of the national curriculum – including those specified for swimming (or, in the case of academies and free schools, to teach your existing PE curriculum)
After School Clubs
At New Village we offer a range of after school clubs which are open to KS1 and KS2 pupils. The theme of the club varies across the year so as to offer a wide range of sporting experiences. All our after school clubs are free – the costs are subsidised by the school through the Sports Premium or through the Pupil Premium