
At Bentley New Village, all children will:

  • Understand the importance of their PSHE and SEMH and be able to keep themselves safe
  • Receive a stimulating, enriched experience of PSHE which will allow them to ask questions, use practical skills and be reflective about themselves and the world around them, as well as equipping them with an array of skills which they can use to further their curiosity of the world around them.
  • Have the chance to both show and develop the learning behaviours of creativity, curiosity, resilience, determination, tolerance and co-operation through the PSHE curriculum
  • Be given opportunities to develop the basic skills acquired in English (speaking and listening, reading and writing) and Mathematics and apply to the same standards as in English and Maths lessons
  • Be given the opportunity to learn, understand and use a range of technical vocabulary as appropriate
  • Take responsibility for their own physical and mental wellbeing
  • Experience diversity through celebrating, studying and appreciating differences and similarities
  • Build a self-regulating, self-motivated individual
  • Embed self-regulating and emotion-management skills in each topic
  • Receive a progressive sequence of PSHE lessons which will build upon their prior knowledge whilst embedding the procedural knowledge and skills into the long-term memory
  • Receive PSHE lessons which develop a deep understanding of the body of knowledge of PSHE in each of the key areas – PSHE and SEMH – and also skills that we develop to manage ourselves throughout the sequence
  • Gain an understanding of the uses and implications of good/bad PSHE and SEMH today and for the future
  • Be given the opportunity to plan and carry out projects, using equipment correctly
  • Be taught to evaluate a plan and make appropriate, effective changes

Be able to investigate, where appropriate, in and about their: homes, school, gardens, playground, local community and wider environment within our PSHE lessons


As part of this planning process, teachers need to plan the following:

  • A safe, secure space for children to learn about PSHE, including; lessons about SEMH, opportunities for children to show their ability to stay safe and the promotion of good resources and skills to enable good SEMH
  • A low-stakes quiz which is tested regularly to support learners’ ability to block learning and increase space in the working memory
  • Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner
  • Opportunities to apply skills and learning developed in PSHE lessons to other parts of the curriculum


Our PSHE curriculum is high-quality, well-thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children keep up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • How able our children are to stay safe
  • How able our children are to self-regulate and manage the emotions throughout their experiences
  • A reflection on standards achieved against planned outcomes
  • A celebration of work through monitoring of work samples
  • Tracking of knowledge in pre and post-learning quizzes
  • Pupil discussions about their learning

Download our PHSE Policy